Wednesday, July 7, 2010


No way he is going untouched today~i am blocking his way like a pool game snook//
With a Surprising spit leaving your eyes wide open~i'll just change your Nepali looks// (buddha)(Snook in a pool game is when a unwanted ball comes between the target ball! its a foul if you touch the unwanted ball!)
(Chinki eyes oepened wide! )

To make you ''DOWN TO EARTH' person'~i just gotta break you BACK SPINE//
Even Wearing ''Rupa Underwears'' dosent get your ass on the FRONTLINE//

(Roopa Frontline underwear)

You got NO FRIENDS~So lemme do the all the BACK STABBING to you//
Plus i will TWIST your NECK Around~So U can watch your own Back too//

Only time you were a SICK ASS!~ when your BUTT got those filthy PILES//
Decorating your ''TYPEWRITER'' ~ Does not make you any better at ''KEYSTYLES''//

I'll Stab your EYE BALLS with a KNIFE~ just to give you a SHARP VISION//
You wount have FEMALES walking up to you ~Even if you were selling WHISPERS//

Your punches CONNECT us(touch) but fails to bring SICKNESS~Aint talking about HIV Patients//
Only time you had a PLATFORM to PERFORM~was while *begging at the Railway Stations*//

(begger singers on the railway station)

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